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Product Image Carbide Insert for Dillon Motorized Case Trimmers

Carbide Insert for Dillon Motorized Case Trimmers

$ 1.00

We currently have 2 in stock.


  1. Carbide Insert
  2. Replacement Screw

Optional Allen Key for Attachment Screw Available

Fits RT1200 and 1500 trimmers

Each insert has 3 cutting sides that will trim thousands of casings per side. Inserts are specifically designed for high rpm and brass cutting. These provide a nice clean cut almost eliminating the need to deburr or chamfer.

Tip: Each case mouth diameter wears out a specific part of the insert's cutting surface so take full advantage of each carbide insert if you trim multiple case mouth diameters. Example: an insert may be wore out to cut .22 cal but can still cut .30 cal just like new! 

Due to the fact we cannot guarantee end user install, treatment and setup we are not responsible for improper use and/or damage. PLEASE REFER TO OEM INSTALL SPECIFICATIONS AND USE OF THE MOTORIZED TRIMMING TOOL!!!!